Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Don't We Understand

Purpose; what is it really and why do we all inherently want it so bad? Rick Warren made a book series on Purpose (Purpose Driven Life) and so many of Americans were drawn to the idea. I am not going to drop the scripture till the end because we have all heard the verse before but we have failed to buy into its truth. We all are chasing happiness but it avoids us because we put our focus on fleeting pleasures that we think can hold us down and provide what we inherently desire so bad - Peace. Well here is my take and you can delete me or read me, I don't care it will be your loss or your gain. We all have choices to make just like Adam, Peter, Paul, Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon, etc.. You choose. I hope you dial in.

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." - John Piper

Our sole purpose here on earth is to bring glory to God and be His vessels for His eternal purpose period! Our purpose is not to gain riches, fame, accomplishments, and store up stock in earthly (fading) things. If you love this world and are looking to become her friend you are an enemy of God (James 4:4 part B). Everyday we are given a gift of waking up with breath in our lungs (given from God) and we are to use that breath to serve Him period. Live life in a righteous way such as Jesus did/would and in doing so we are shining for the kingdom (Matt 5:16). We are not here to find earthly success and glory in it, that is sin by taking credit for what God does. Give up, die to yourself, sit shotgun and let God drive for once, this is the way you will find peace and fulfillment beyond compare. Give it a chance! Live for God not yourself, "put the kingdom first and all things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). I love you guys and just had to spill my heart, I have been struggling with this.

1 Corinthians 10:31 "Therefore whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God."


Nolan Gottlieb said...

Our sole purpose here on earth is to bring glory to God and be His vessels for His eternal purpose period.


Tanner said...

That was the hardest anyone has spit in a long time. That was absolute thunder and more Truth than you'll find on most Sundays. Wow. Awesome. Thank you Jesus! Sorry Jules but you get no credit from me for this post. That was straight from the Holy Spirit.

- TEvans

Jules said...

Good, because if you tried to give me credit I would take it and puff out my chest and try to drive this vessel again. Amen brother.