Thursday, June 28, 2012


"or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you towards repentence?" (Romans 2:4)

Judgement. Pretty tough to try and cover because of all the emotions that it evokes in so many people. Everyone of us has been on both sides of judgement. Reading through this chapter it became more and more clear what righteous judgment looks like (done by God). Righteous judgement leads to repentence just like it says at the end of the verse. Righteous judgement doesn't make people want to give up but it spurs them on. Righteous judgement has a pure end goal in mind. I realize that this chapter is referring to people who were judging according to the Law of Moses and Old Testament teachings, but the same type of judgements still happen. So let's be about spurring one another on, let's not shy away from challenging believers on with a pure goal in mind, and let's allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in those actions. Thoughts.? I realize I just touched the surface of a big topic but just wanted to get some convo going.

- Andrew Kown

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