Sunday, July 10, 2011

When I Get Done

Some quotes from my past and present that always seem to resurface....

When I get done with Spanish 2 I'm gunna keep practicing so I don't forget all the stuff I learned. Yeahhh...I'm gunna be fluent.
When I get home from this season I'm gunna take some carpentry classes so I don't have to call a handyman to fix every little thing broken.
When I get done with baseball and have a lot of time on my hands I'm gunna dive into my Bible everyday and memorize all kinds of scripture.
When I get done with baseball I'm gunna get ripped so I can wear super tight shirts and show off all my new muscles.
When I get done with this season I'm gunna start keeping a spiritual journal of my walk with the Lord.
When I get done with baseball I'm gunna learn to play the guitar like my buddy Glenn who can play every song imaginable...Maybe even start a band?
When I get done with this season I'm gunna start a Bible study for me and some of my friends so we can grow together in our faith.

The fact is I could keep writing those all night. When I get done.... that's an often used phrase for me. Let me ask all y'all something? Why does everything have to be "when I get done" with whatever. It's pathetic. What if Jesus would have done that. What if Jesus was like "Dad, I know you want me to go down there and rescue humanity but I got this sick game of scrabble going with Gabriel. When I get done in a few thousand years I'll rescue those guys...probabaly." Praise God that He didn't do that! I'm a dreamer, there's no doubt. But, why can't I do cool, useful stuff right now. Why does everything have to be later. Especially when it involves my faith. Man, if you ask me, when I get done playing baseball I'll be the second coming of C.S. Lewis. Holding my own revivals like Billy Graham... inviting Jesus into everyones hearts. Yep, things will be great.... one day.

Here's some truth. I may not be any of those things now, but I want to be. And, I may want to do those things later, but if I don't watch out I'll find an excuse not to. Right now my excuse is baseball, but when I'm done it'll change to "After the kids go off to college." I can already see that one coming. Why is that? It drives me crazy! I'm going over what I wrote at the top, and if I would just get some motivation I could be a "bilingual, wood working, scripture spoutin', super jacked, spiritually growin', guitar rippin', Bible study leadin', HUNK OF A MAN! Well maybe not that last part, but you get my drift. So here's my challenge.... If you can relate to me at all in this, and you're putting stuff off... Make a list and do it. Don't wait til tomorrow to do something that needs to be done today. Let's realize that some things don't need to be put off.

Final thoughts. We can be great, and we can be great right now. Don't let this fallen world come in between you and Christ. Jesus was great for us... let's be great for Him.

-Adam W.
Acts 20:24


Hannah said...

WOW!! That's SO true!! We always say we sre going to do something for God and we never do, but today is the day to do something, because we don't know if we are going to do living tomorrow. Don't put it off!! Waino, that was one of your best posts ever!!! Hey, hows the rehab going? I hope it is going great!!!!

Brian said...

i can relate to that. in quiet times like now i commit to being more Christ like, but then the day starts. And before you know it, it has been a week, or two. why is that? why is it so hard to put Him first?
thank you Lord for putting me first.
God is God and that is good!