I was listening to an interview this week with Herschel Walker. A Georgia boy legend. If you didn't know already, he is in MMA now and about to get in the ring again for his second fight. If you couldn't tell by the picture, Herschel is a genetic freak. He was talking about his workout regimen and it bases off of push ups and sit ups as it has his entire life. One of the highlights was the numbers of these exercises that he finally spilled (Herschel is extremely humble) after being asked over and over. He's up to 750 push-ups and 1,500 sit-ups a day!!! hahaha. awesome. So, like his entire life, he is just awed at through out the interview and they keep asking him about his routine and another gem comes out that he only eats one meal a day, and has given up meat. He just said he has always eaten once a day, but in college it was usually a hamburger or something, ha. Ok, so what do you think the next question would be?? I'm glad they asked, cus I would have asked the same thing and that is, "where do you get the energy, being nearly 50 years old and eating once a day with no protein from animals and working the same muscle group everyday?". Anybody wondering when I'm going to tie in some God to this point, here it comes. He said "my main source of strength is from my Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ". You can imagine how many more questions he got about his routine....(crickets). Can't be talking about a routine an athlete has if Jesus is involved right? Might offend someone.
My main point of this was not to get into the not talking about Jesus on-air, but that they were so intrigued by Herschel they just had to know what makes him tick. What makes him different? Why does he act the way he does? What does he work so hard? What's the difference between him and someone else. The answer was Jesus.
John 1:5 "The Light shined in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it"
What a verse, and how many ways we can take that. They asked Herschel so many questions, because they had to know what made him shine. Was it the push-ups or the diet, nope. That's what we want as christians. We want people asking what makes him act that way? In high school the biggest issue seemed to always come down to drinking and partying. When someone would decide not to drink at a party or partake in weed or whatever, people had questions for them, right? They had to know. Why? But its sooo fun, blah blah blah. Then we grew up....some and the issue changed into different topics. The one I like that Blake brought up awhile ago was gossip. Gossip is huge in sports and the clubhouse. I will also tell you that it does not change in the world of business. It's the same old song and dance. "did you hear about Bill and his wife?" Terrible.
Psalm 52:2-"your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit"
I like how it says PRACTICE deceit. Terry had a post talking about falling into sin or making plans to sin. Big difference
So, I think a good topic for us to make sure we let our light shine would be to sit the next slamfest out. Bite your tongue, make people wonder why you don't talk garbage about other people to make yourself feel better. Go a different route. Little things can turn into big things. Don't think that practicing small victories add up, cus they do. Just ask how the Green Bay Packers. They just tried to have the IR players not be in the Super Bowl team photo and it turned into a huge story. You never know what impact you are making.
Sick post, I love it, you had me engaged the whole time I couldn't wait to hear what point you were making. That verse from John has never spoken to me like it did today. Thanks for the word brother.
I finally rose above my laziness and read this post and it was awesome! You can't do what Hershel does and look like Hershel looks with that exercise and diet routine. We is definitely guilty of juicing with that Jesus Juice. Great point Tyler with the being different and sparking curiosity. I've always felt that your testimony is much more appealing when people are asking why you're different rather than you telling people why you're different.
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