As a boy, I grew up going to church every Sunday. In my mind I didn't go to learn. Church was just something you did when you were from where I was from. When my friends asked me what "religion" I was (cuz that's how you talk when your a kid) I would tell them Presbyterian. Most of my friends were from all different denominations. I just couldn't figure out why there were so many different types of Christians. Why did it matter? That confused me, and to be honest I still think it's silly. I'll be so proud when everyone just claims to be a Christian rather than some sect of Christianity. Anyway, I was probably about 17 when I really started to question if there truly was a God. I had read the Bible some, been told all the major stories, and been to vacation bible school. I had all the qualifications for being a Christian right? Wrong, I didn't have Jesus in my heart. None of my friends and I ever talked about God... it just wasn't cool back then to me. I was too worried about getting hits or my girlfriend to worry about God. So, like many people do, with the absence of God in my life I began to try and be my own God. If someone did something I didn't agree with... I judged them. It's like I was the referee and I was blowing the whistle and calling a foul anytime someone messed up. I never took time to look in the mirror and realize I was pretty jacked up too. Then, around my late teens I started playing the "i don't want to be a hypocrite" line. It was my excuse to not get involved with anything spiritual because I didn't want to be like those people who go to church and keep on sinning. No sir, I just wanted to live my life and do my so-called sinning and carry on to the next day. I would, in my own head, scowl at people who I thought fell into the hypocrite category. Well, here is what I know now. We ALL fall short of the Glory of God. We will, without fail, continue to sin.... it's just how we're programmed. And, scripture tells us that if we put our faith in men we will eventually get let down. There is only one man that walked this earth that should be the model for our lives....Jesus. He's the only Guy that didn't mess up. I wish I woulda realized that all those people who I felt were hypocrites weren't so bad...they just weren't God. We aren't hypocrites for going to Church after we sin.... we're just humans and we need help, and definitely forgiveness. Being Christian does not make us Christ. It just means we love Him. There's only one God, He has done some amazing things and He deserves to be worshiped for all of it.
So, here are a few questions. Do your friends know what you believe? Are we doing enough to be bold for Christ like it calls us to in Phillippians 1? Is our lifestyle one that reflects what we believe? Can you do more in your church.... in your home... in your workplace..... in your heart? All of that stuff is playing the game of following Christ. Let's put down our whistles and get in the game. Thanks for reading
I used to claim Presbyterian too! I thought I was so cool... What a dork.
Good word!!
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