Sunday, April 11, 2010

Godly humility

What's up y'all? One of the attributes of Jesus that we have been discussing is that of humility. Humility, or the act of being humble, is found all over the Bible. Mainly with Jesus. We all know the story. Jesus humbles himself by agreeing to step down into the ranks of a fallen and sinful world so that He can die for our sins. Jesus knew the horrible death that he would have to endure and He knew he would be betrayed by Judas. He could have stopped it at any time, but He didn't. He could have called forth an army of angels to stop the soldiers from crucifying Him, but He didn't. Jesus knew that a perfect sacrifice had to be made to cleanse us of our sins. He knew that a lambs blood was no longer sufficient for a mans sin. The sacrifice had to be perfect, and it had to be human.... it had to be Jesus. Jesus signed himself up for that. An almost unbelievable act of humility.
What about us though? God has given us talents. All of us have things we do well no matter how small. When I was growing up I thought being humble was telling people I wasn't good at something when I knew I was. Here's what I know now. God has blessed us with talents, and I think He's proud of what He's created. I bet you that when He gives us talents He wants to be glorified with them. God wants us to realize that He is the strength behind our success. When we do well, we should realize that He is the reason for it. We should not be ashamed of the things God has blessed us with. God is our strength. By having a Godly view of humility we are pronouncing to the world that even through our success we are a creation of God. Thankyou God for Your continuous blessings on my life. Help me to remember that it is Your strength that propels me, and not my own. Help me to realize that when times are tough it is You that can bring me through it, not myself.


1 comment:

Belladia8 said...

Wow! How beautiful are the feet who bring the good news. I keep hearing your name everywhere and each time I'm reminded of Christ's tremendous love. Thanks for humbly opening up your life to share His love with others.