Tuesday, April 27, 2010
E-Fellowship Rally
Hopefully some of you read the post below that Sam wrote, surely you did. My heart is grieved and I feel like this is a call to action. This group is big, real big and I think we ALL need to take a leap of faith here and help this family out. I've been trying to convince myself to not send a check for the last 48 hours but I can't convince myself to not take any action. My proposal is that we all throw a check in the mail (regardless of the amount, 1 dollar will do). Let's see what happens, don't get caught up in any thoughts other than the idea that some action/money is better than none. By doing this we will give God a chance to blow our minds with what He can do. Let's help put this family under a roof. To Sam's credit he is too shy to ask for any help from us because he probably doesn't want to be seen as a burden but I don't have an issue with asking. I really think this is a call to action from the Lord. Once again, don't talk yourself out of this or sell your contribution short, just do it in faith, $1 will be a great contribution. Please send any contributions to the below address. If you haven't read what this is for please read the post under this one on the home page. Blessings.
P.S. The above scripture I believe is saying that we need to act in faith and not always figure things out before we act. Trust what the Holy Spirit tells you.
Sam Marsonek
21226 Preservation Dr.
Land O Lakes, Fl 34638
Friday, April 23, 2010
Comin' Outta Retirement
Friday, April 16, 2010
Designated to Triple-A
As I was sitting in my hotel room on Wednesday night, I came across some articles online with quotes from me earlier that day explaining my reaction to being designated back to Triple-A. The quotes (some misquoted) seemed lacking of any real substance and gave no definition whatsoever to how I was feeling at that moment. Perhaps, I am to blame for the way I apparently came off but often times a reporter is simply looking to get a quick story from someone rather than getting someone's story. I, myself, am more interested in people's stories rather than simple stories about people. That being said, here is the real answer to how I felt upon hearing about my designation. I'm sharing because I find it worth sharing.
To simply say that I was disappointed would be a pretty significant understatement. I held back tears the best that I could as I explained what had just happened to two of my teammates waiting for me as I returned to my locker to pack my things. I was discouraged at the thought of calling my wife and informing her of our upcoming descent on this roller-coaster ride of professional baseball. I hated and feared the sadness that might be felt by my friends and family back home who were so proud to see me in that big league uniform. This was supposed to be my year. I felt like a failure. From sitting in that office hearing the news, to packing my things in the clubhouse, to laying in bed that night in my hotel room, I had so many questions that I wanted an answer to and so many thoughts streaming through my mind. However, for some reason, and to my surprise, all of these thoughts and questions seemed to be faint echoes buried deep in the back of my mind. I could barely hear them on account of a much bigger Voice making its presence known. A Voice telling me that "everything is going to be alright", "I've got plans for you, and you are going right where I want you". I knew who it was and I was so grateful to feel God's presence. Immediately, I felt the peace of God which transcends all understanding guarding my heart and mind. I felt strength that I didn't know I had and that is why I felt the truth should be heard.
Praise God my Father in heaven for moments of adversity because it is in these moments in which I get to tap into that extra strength that only God can provide. God's grace is sufficient for me and His power is made known through times of weakness. That is why the apostle Paul claimed that he delighted in times of weakness because when he was weak, he felt a strength that only God could provide. Praise God for days like Wednesday because it is on days such as these that I get to fly my flag of faith which glorifies my God in heaven which is my purpose here on earth anyway. So I stand today comforted by a God in heaven who cares for me and loves me unconditionally. A love that was clearly displayed through the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on that cross to save me from sin and death and lead me onto righteousness and life. Baseball promotions and demotions don't define me. So whether it be from the tallest mountain or the deepest valley, I will continue to shout praises to my King.
May God be glorified,
- Terry
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Bow Down!
Philippians 2:10 "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord." NIV
There is a lack of responsibility these days and we all fall into the trap of living life to shed ourselves of responsibility. Think about it. You push to graduate so you don't have to go to school ever again, you work to retire so you never have to labor again. We reply to questions using vague terms so we're not held accountable, we ride the fence on issues because we don't want to be offensive. Have you ever noticed that we say "responsible for" and not "responsible to"? Here is my point: we have been called into existence, we have been called into responsibility, stand up and be accounted for. We can't hide any longer, we never could anyway, God has been watching. Let's live our lives always being accountable and not hiding behind the curtain in the dark. Live with integrity knowing that daily these efforts will continue to transform us. Yes these little daily efforts weigh heavy on the state of our Spirit. Live this way because every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is God! Be certain of your own salvation and get on the train of sanctification that cleanses us daily. We've made the right choice, like Baj (Jeff) said "He's coming back", the Word is clear on that. Living a life with a healthy fear of your Daddy keeps you from indulging in sin that can kill you so why not live a life responsible to God so that we may have life. Oh did I mention that the life I speak of will be eternal? Whoopsy!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Godly humility
What about us though? God has given us talents. All of us have things we do well no matter how small. When I was growing up I thought being humble was telling people I wasn't good at something when I knew I was. Here's what I know now. God has blessed us with talents, and I think He's proud of what He's created. I bet you that when He gives us talents He wants to be glorified with them. God wants us to realize that He is the strength behind our success. When we do well, we should realize that He is the reason for it. We should not be ashamed of the things God has blessed us with. God is our strength. By having a Godly view of humility we are pronouncing to the world that even through our success we are a creation of God. Thankyou God for Your continuous blessings on my life. Help me to remember that it is Your strength that propels me, and not my own. Help me to realize that when times are tough it is You that can bring me through it, not myself.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Let Me Pray About It
"I've been really convicted of making an adjustment in this area but I need to continue to pray about it, God will make it clear and then I'll move forward." -unknown-
Have you heard this before? Are you the author of lines like these? I've been guilty of this before and today I heard a man in my bible study lay this out. Mind you that this is when God led Moses down to the Red Sea with all the Jews. They were sitting there like "yo what do we do now, were trapped, dang Moses, you're a terrible leader." Moses was saying "have faith and pray." Here is what God said.
Exodus 14:15-16 "Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground." NIV
Exodus 14:15 "Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stop praying and go." LTV
Have you ever put off doing what you're pretty sure God wants you to do because you're too scared or too comfortable in your sin? I really don't think God makes the decision clear for us all the time. Many times it requires our obedience to step forward in faith and after a step or two we start to see that God's will was in it. All too often Christians can use the "I need to pray on it some more" as a cop out, we have to be careful of this. I'm not saying it's bad to "be still" or to "pray for an answer", we just need to know when to move. Here is some wisdom from my tee-ball coach, "you can't steal second with your foot on first." How's that for knowledge? We have to be bold sometimes to step out in faith and flex our muscle.
Be blessed my friends, He is risen and is coming back.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
For God So Loved the World...
He gave His only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life