Saturday, March 6, 2010


There's that timeless question...."so why does God let bad things happen to good people?" Why, you ask, did He let those earthquakes happen? Ever asked yourself why God allows good stuff to happen? No way. That's not how we operate. Everything is supposed to be all hunky dory all the time. If something bad happens the world will ask you "where was your God that time?" Well, I wonder how many earthquakes our Lord has stopped. How many miracles has He performed that we don't know about. How many people, as a direct result of tragedies like the earth quakes, have become followers of Christ or strengthened their relationships with Christ. Lets look deeper at this for a second. If God did come to our rescue every time something bad happened would we ever grow spiritually? If there was no ramification for our sin would we ever learn from our mistakes? God has given us this awesome thing called free will. I've had several talks with friends this week about free will. Free will is a dangerous thing for us isn't it. It also, at the same time, allows us to live our own lives..., making our own choices. But, then you have God's plan. If God has a plan, and we have free will then.... well, i'm confused. That's what I was thinking last week. Then I started asking some of my mentors about it. I realize that there are some questions we have about God that we can't answer. That's one great thing about our God. I don't want to be able to know everything about my God. Here's what we came up with. Free will is given to us by our Lord to live an unshackled life. That doesn't mean that we are in complete control though. God's perfect plan is going to come to life. His plans for us and our plans for us might not line up, but guess who's plans always seem to win out? His. I never planned to be raised without a dad by my brother and mom, but I did. And guess what, I learned a lot about how I wanted to raise my kids when given the chance. I never wanted to spend five and half years in the minor leagues but I did. And I certainly learned a lot there. And, I never thought that at the age of 22 God would turn my life upside down and change me in a way that allowed me to be a force for the Kingdom rather than an empty, lost soul....but He did.
Here's what I'm saying. Our free will we're given is free will in God's will. When the big man wants us to do something, I can guarantee you one thing...,.we're gunna do it. He gives, He takes. He sovereign, He's God. Thank God for His mysteriousness.



Tanner said...

Oh how quick we shake our fists at the heavens when a plane comes crashing down but oh how often we forget to bow to the heavens each time a plane lands safely.

Oh how quick we demand a reason when a loved one takes that last breath but oh how often we lack gratitude for each waking breath.

- Terry

Question: Is our free will limited to acts of obedience and not a factor in salvation?

Todd said...

likin this waino, it has always been a thought on my mind that i have seemed to wrestle with