1 Corinthians 11:11-12 "In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God." NIV
Johnny Mac lays it out like this, all believers, male and female, are equal in the Lord and complementary in the Lord's work. Their roles are different in function and relationships, not in spirituality or importance.
I think this can be seen as another strong example of how dependant we are on one another for our spiritual growth (both men and woman). Encouragement, accountability, love, and fellowship are a few things that come to mind. Now having my first child I see how grungy I am and how much I'm lacking in areas that my wife flourishes. When Gwen (my daughter) is crying at a ear piercing level, I get angry while Christy gets compassionate and nurturing. I'm not sure I have any of that in me or at least it's not my nature. I'm so glad God made woman, I can only imagine what children would turn out like with out the nurturing of mothers. Can any others fathers relate? Having kids is so tough and so awesome at the same time, I can be so in love my daughter one minute and then so angry the next (when she cries). It makes me wonder who I am. Seriously, it's crazy some of the thoughts you have. Well, I feel like I just disclosed way to much information about my shortcomings as a parent but it's too late to erase. Be blessed brothers and sisters, He's coming back some day!
I thought I was the only one who referred to MacArthur as "Johnny Mac." In any case, I always feel fed and blessed when he teaches.
nice job Ben! But, am i right that you called yourself God by saying you created woman? "I'm glad I, God, created woman.....haha. nice one. I know exactly what you mean when talking about how mothers and fathers are different. I'm the same way about the nurturing. Nice post
Good to have you with us on Efellowship James. John MacArthur (Johnny Mac) is a frontline guy and one that I lean on heavily for learning about Jesus. Are you an OC resident? If so what church? I live in OC myself.
Thanks for the encouragement Adam!
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