Sunday, August 9, 2009

Desiring God

So I have come across this quote from John the Pied Piper that has messed me up a little. The following quote forced me to search within myself in order to find out just how much I desire to be with Jesus Christ. Read the following quote (some probably have read this before) and tell me if this doesn't mess with you a little as well.....

“The critical question for our generation-and for every generation-is this: if you could have heaven, with no sickness, and with all the friends you ever had on earth, and all the food you ever liked, and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, and all the natural beauties you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, and no human conflict or any natural disasters, could you be satisfied with heaven, if Christ was not there?” - John Piper

Now obviously I know what the correct response to this question but do I truly feel that way? I know all the right words to say here but that's not the point of the question. Also, some may be quick to answer that the things mentioned above are not possible without Christ but again that is missing the point of the question. The question raised is hypothetical and is meant to be used for self-evaluation rather than theological answering. Do you desire Christ or just what Christ has to offer? Do you love Christ more... or His salvation? Lets not lie to ourselves here... the heaven that Piper describes here without Christ sounds like an awesome place that I would like to experience. This leads me to question myself a little about whether or not I love Christ more than what He has to offer. That's a pretty convicting feeling to say the least and that's why this quote messed me up enough to do some serious soul searching.

Some other questions that I feel this question raises are.....

Are you serving Christ or desiring to be served by Him? Are you attempting to use Him or letting Christ use you? Did I desire to come to Christ so He could make me happy? As I have matured in my faith, I have come to know and understand that Jesus Christ is more concerned with my joy and holiness than He is my happiness. I know I am called to serve Him in obedience no matter how difficult the mission He lays before me may be. I am here to be used by God for His glory and that in no way guarantees me the easiest or happiest lifestyle that I desire. Ok, so I don't want to get to far away from this quote that shook me up so I will end this here but please let me know what you guys think about the questions raised here or any other thoughts you may have because I have been meditating on this pretty hard here lately.

Love you guys,



Jules said...

great question. I will say that most days I come up short of the blessing of really desiring Christ.

waino said...

like you...immediately i wanted to say well its not heaven without Jesus there. but, when I really dive into that question i find myself pretty satisfied with the things being offered. I would think that even with those things there would be something missing inside of you if Jesus wasn't there. Would you know he wasn't there? This is all hypothetical. Because I think I would spend a lot of my day each time looking for Him therefor not enjoying all the pleasures being offered.....

Tanner said...

Yeah, I would hope that there would be some kind of void in me that leaves me looking for Jesus. But like you waino, after really looking at what was offered, I felt like I could be pretty satisfied with that kind of heaven. So immediately, I stand convicted. Good think Christ loves me so much because man, I am so unworthy. Anyone feel me on that? I'm sure you do.


Jules said...

I feel you for sure, I'm pretty tired of myself right now as I throw sarcastic jabs at my wife over her elongated ponderance when choosing paint for the baby's room. Am I even trying over here! hahaa