Romans 8:38 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." ESV
Nothing can seperate us from the love of God - the 1st person of the trinity. Powers in this world war against us to pull us from His hand. These principalities and powers can't do anything without our consent, we make the choices unfortunately our flesh plays a heavy influence and our discernment has to be in tiptop shape. We talked last week about putting in a workmans effort, where are we at on that, have we made progress? This world wants to keep us and drag us down, we have to fight, we have to!
I'm currently trying to get guys together for a bible study and it is so hard, excuses, scheduling conflicts, timing issues, desire, long games, short nights, etc... I want to give up and I let somebody else try. That is a punks mentality.
Lord raise me up, strengthen this weak heart. I need you! We need you, we can do nothing meaningful with out you.
Nolan I know you have some to share.
1 comment:
As Christians, sin has been defeated. The only reason that sin has any hold in our lives is because...WE LOVE IT, WE LOVE OUR SINS. Our sins falsely comfort us, our sins are easy, our sins are fun. When we become Christ followers we are no longer victims of sin.
Keep on fighting...Do not give up.
In reference to your bible is the time you should be pouring into those guys even more. Work around the scheduling, compensate for the excuses, etc. You are affecting eternity...pray even harder. You should know by now, either by scripture or experience, that living the Christian life isn't easy...its a war.
Keep the faith...we've got your back.
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