Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spiritual goals

So, today is not my day to write but ive been pondering something so I wanted to run it by y'all? This time off has given me a chance to think about a lot of stuff. One thing ive been thinking about is the way I set my spiritual goals. Not just how do I set them but how do I keep them. And not just how do I set them and how do I keep do I react when I do or do not keep them? Here's what I mean. I usually start out each year saying I'm gunna read my Bible everyday, or pray for someone every day, or I'm gunna pray without asking for something at least once a day...etc. Well, the way it usually goes down is I'll revisit those goals in a few months and if I've been keeping my goals immediately I get prideful (only happened a few times cuz I usually choke.). Or I get discouraged because I haven't been living like I promised. Lose, lose either way. Pride or discouragement. So, my question is this...have y'all found a way to walk that line successfully? I think it's okay to be a little proud if I follow through, but not the way I usually do it. I know I need to just live in the spirit and God will keep me straight but it seems tough. Let's get some dialogue going....



Jules said...

Great post... a goal I've had before was to memorize scripture, 1 year I was very disciplined to achieve it another year I was extremely undisciplined. Guess the results.

Unknown said...

For me the most important facet is getting up and approaching each day as a new opportunity to show others the love of God in my words and my actions. My study time and prayer time are important facets of my spiritual life that strenghten and grow me in my quest to be the person He has called me to be. There may be days that I miss reading my bible or may be slack in my prayer time and they require more of my attention, but every day I have multiple opportunities to give an encouraging word, give an act of kindness, show compassion, etc. Those are new every day. I can never say I have arrived knowing that, and each day I get a new opportunity to redeem myself for any failures I may have had the day before.

The focus became being a witness for my Savior and my Father, understanding the foundation is my time in His presence and in His Word. I then look at my day asking was I a worthy reflection of them to those I came into contact with. There is nothing more precious or satisfying than to be used by God to be a blessing to others.

Hannah said...

Thanks for the GREAT post, Waino!! :) It encouraged me to keep up on all my "Spiritual goals" (and to even make more!):) Thanks again!!! :)

Hannah said...

Something I have learned and thought I would share is this...I have also set goals for myself before but I always seem to fail and it is because I am setting up a law for myself. All that Christ wants us to do is get in His Word and learn about Him and the more that I learn about Him the more I see I want to do the things like read our Bibles, pray more, out of love for Christ! In Galtians 5:16 God says "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." It's more about seeing who we are in Christ (new creations, seated in the heavenlies, forgiven, part of His body...) than setting laws up for ourselves, that can be broken. God gets the most glory when we just focus on Him and His amazing work for us on the cross!!! Because if our eyes are focused on Jesus' work then we will never be prideful or discouraged. Just something to share. I really enjoy reading your posts. They are always very encouraging. We are praying for you through your recovery through this season. We enjoyed hearing you on talk on the game tonight. You are my favorite player because of the stand you take Christ and your love for Him. Thank you for being a great example!